
About Me
Talking About Team Sports Equipment

Hi there, my name is Josey Garcia. Welcome to my website about equipment for team sports. All through my childhood and teen years, I played on sports team through my community centers and schools. Each team I played on had their own equipment and other items required for maximized performance on the field. I had to learn about these items on the fly since I did not have prior experience with those sports games. I created this site to help others learn about sports equipment prior to signing up on a team. Please come by my site daily to learn all you can about this topic.


Upgrade A Bicycle-Built-For-Two By Replacing Torn Seat Covers And Eliminating Rust From Metal Spokes

15 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you own a bicycle-built-for-two and would like to ride it with your spouse this summer, but wish to replace the torn seat covers and eliminate rust from each wheel's spokes before using the bike, the following directions describe how to perform the upgrades. Materials upholstery staple remover putty knife sponge soapy water water hose foam padding measuring tape scissors fabric adhesive narrow paintbrushes waterproof nylon or polyurethane fabric upholstery stapler upholstery staples naval jelly wire brush emery board towel rust-inhibiting spray Remove The Seat Covers And Padding And Secure New Foam Pieces Read More …

Things To Consider When Buying A Handgun

15 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When you are trying to pick out a handgun, you are going to have many different options. There are polymer framed guns, steel framed guns, and alloy framed guns. You will also have to choose between a pistol or a revolver. The different types of handguns all have their pro's and con's. Deciding which handgun to buy should be a very thought out process. You do not want to to buy a handgun that you end up disliking a great deal. Read More …

2 Features To Consider When Buying A Billiards Table

15 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Buying a billiards table is a great way to dramatically increase the appeal and entertainment value of your rec room, but it can be a rather substantial investment. Due to the sometimes high cost of a billiards table, it is important that you get the right features when buying the table so that you will get your money's worth out of it. Listed below are two features to consider when buying a billiards table. Read More …

Going Camping? Check Out These Innovative Features Your New Tent Could Have

15 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

It's the charm of sleeping under the stars and the draw of crackling campfires and fresh air that continues to attract many people to campgrounds all across the country in spite of so many more modern attractions. If you are an avid camper, you know that your tent is one of the most important supplies to take along on the trip and can have everything to do with how enjoyable your adventure turns out to be. Read More …

Three Tips On Buying Women’s Brazilian Leggings

11 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you are looking to purchase some great leggings or yoga pants for your fitness life, or as a fashion statement, it is important that you shop around. Buying women's Brazilian leggings gives you the chance to wear some bottoms that favor your figure, while also getting a comfortable fit. If you are in the market for this type of outfit and need some help on how to make this purchase, follow the tips below and use them as you shop. Read More …